Thursday, December 27, 2012

Swatch: Essence Out of my Mind

Hey all! Sorry about that impromptu hiatus! The season gets busy and it's not even over yet x_x I'm going to try to get right back into it but for now I'm sorry in advance and here's a swatch!

I bought Essence Out of My Mind in a Coin when I was in Italy, fully realizing that I have WetnWild 446C and still being consumed by Essence fandom. It is a bit different, but don't be fooled into thinking you need it. It looks like a non-glitter version of Essence Choose Me! which is kiiiind of interesting.

Anyway, have some pictures (two coats):

In low light it even has this purple-ish sheen - max fantasy fire-esque! I couldn't capture it though, sorry =(

Do you guys have any polish-fandomness? I basically see Essence and buy it. I'm getting better... except I missed those Twilight ones! I really wanted Jacob's Protection!

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